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Visit OneCard homepage:
click [Register an Account], fill in registration form and follow directions to confirm your email and mobile number.
For more information, contact OneCard support.
After you register a new OneCard account, an email should be sent to your email address. Once you click the confirmation link, a confirmation code will be sent to your mobile.
Please fill in the code "case sensitive"
If you don’t receive activation code SMS, please feel free to contact OneCard support.
Username should be your email address, not your full name or any other nickname.
This means that there is already an account registered with your email address. Please visit “Restore Password Page”, enter your email address and click [Restore Password], an email message containing a URL will be sent to your email inbox. Use this URL to reset your password, note that this link is valid within one hour.
For more information, contact OneCard support.
This means that there is already an account registered with your mobile number and you can’t register with this number anymore.
For more information, contact OneCard support.
This means that you entered your birthdate in a wrong way. Click calendar logo beside birth date field. Choose birth year, month and click your birthday.
For more information, contact OneCard support.
Username should be your email address, not your full name or any other nickname. If you forgot your password, please visit “Restore Password Page” and enter your email address then click [Restore password], an email message containing a URL will be sent to your email inbox. Use this link to reset your password, note that this link is valid within one hour.
For more information, contact OneCard support.
Sometimes, we may ask you to provide us with scanned copies for your credit card and ID card to make sure that the purchase request was submitted by the owner of the credit card, preventing any problem that may occur in the future. OneCard is committed to handle the copies of your credit card and ID card with high standards of security and protect them against unauthorized access or usage. You should send those copies only to and not to any other email address.
Please make sure to enter the international dialing code of your country and then your full mobile number.
For example: 009665XXXXXXXX